Sunday, February 9, 2014

Observations And Questions on

1) I noticed that many of sculptures were made from unusual materials that we can't always see in sculptures.
2) The sculpture that cought my attention is "Heeling Tongues", because at first I thought that those feet were with just heels, and when I saw tongues I was surprised. It's a very interesting piece of art.
*3) The "Penguins" is also very intersting, because you won't see them on asphalt, but here they are not in their natural habitat, and that reminded me of global warming and polution.
4) I also liked the photo with an eagle. It shows his power and independence, it seems like the eagle is the only one in the sky and he is the king.
5) Couple of videos scared me, because it looked like ghosts were in there.
1) On the "Heeling tongues" there are two left (right) feet, why?
*2) Why do you prefer to make croped pictures rather than whole pictures?
3) Is the "S(p)oiled milk" supposed to represent women's brest?
4) What type of art do you like most? (Photos, sculpture, paintings, etc.)
5) Why the "Swan" has its head in a different place?

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