Sunday, February 16, 2014

Notice What You Notice (50 things)

1) Major color is red
2) There are many straight lines
3) There are many curves
4) The ash is from sticks
5) There are many Asian symbols on small cups
6) Small cups are probably for sake (Asian vine)
7) The clothes on the statue are same color
8) The statue "sits" in a comfy position
9) The sticks are burned for more than a half
10) The statue has a belly button
11) It seems like something is missing from the left hand
12) The fan is yellow
13) The fan has round shape
14) The fan has straight lines
15) Eyes of the statue seems unhappy
16) Mouth is wide open
17) Lips are red
18) Eyebrows are black
19) Eyes are black
20) The statue's teeth are easy to see
21) Statue's ears are bigger than usual
22) The statues is topless
23) Hands on the statue are very simple made
24) Cups have golden rings on the top
25) Cups are empty
26) Sticks are probably were put in the candle
27) Ash is grey
28) Red part of the picture here is emphasized comparing to dark background
29) The statue looks ceramic
30) There is a hole in the ear
31) There is a rope on a robe
32) The robe has darker parts
33) The skin is primary light
34) There is some redness on the skin
35) Eyes are pretty thin
36) Eyebrows are very thin also
37) The head is bold
38) There is no hair painted on the other parts of body either
39) All the stick are burned differently
40) There are more than 10 sticks
41) The statue has bare feet
42) The statue's nipple was painted in a weird way
43) From this angle you can't see the other ear
44) You can see the price tag, however this statues stays in the spa
45) If you zoom the picture in, you would be able to see its tongue
46) The robe seems to be too large
47) The background has two colors
48) The background has different textures
49) The small cups are pretty deep
50) It seems like the candle never was burnt

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