Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Point of View, Perspective, Landscape (Diana Shcherbakova & Sophie Moskowitz)

Our piece is from the perspective of a social media (specifically, Facebook) addict.  This person goes through their everyday activities without noticing, responding to, or appreciating their surroundings.  We utilized panoramic shots to emphasize the great deal of beauty and action of the environment around the person looking at the social media.  We also put the technology that is feeding the Facebook addiction in the center of every picture, correlating to the place which this technology stands in the person's life.  Three different images are important to this piece because it exemplifies how mobile social media has become, and that it can be used practically anywhere...including, unfortunately, places that would otherwise provide invaluable learning and social experiences.

Ranking other groups:
1.  Ashley & Honda - easily understood, creative, powerful message
2.  Taylor & Kyle - visually appealing, creative idea, good use of patterns & textures
3.  Ricky & Scott - paid attention to detail, easily understood, detailed thought process
4.  Olivia & Pasama - creative (imagine audience in their underwear), interesting to look at, had a few elements that could have been left out
5.  Dan & Anthony - creative/different idea, humorous, interesting use of the continuous layout
6.  Maddy & Jessica - unique idea, could have been executed a little better
7.  Ziona & Hazel - easily understood, very precise perspective, but not extremely creative
8.  Damian & Arielle - visually appealing image, slightly confusing on EXACTLY whose point of view it is from
9.  Stephanie & Kat - strong image, but slightly unclear whose perspective it is from
10.  Mike & Hannah - texting & driving message is clearly understood, but sometimes overused, not extremely creative
11.  Ryan & Nick - clear whose perspective it is from, but layout and execution of image could have been much stronger

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