Wednesday, February 26, 2014

5 Questions/Observations (

1) On Watermill kids are doing adult's job or behave like adults.
2) Most of the photos have children on them.
3) Many photos are either violent or sad.
4) It seems like the artist had family issues or he care about this topic the most.
5) It's nice that the artist take pictures of his family members.

1) Why most photos are black and white?
2) What inspires the artist to do this kind of photos?
3) Why did the artist start to work on this kind of photography?
4) On the watermill project, photos are made in a different style; did the artist decided to change something about his work?
5) Did the author felt abandoned in the childhood?

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Pre Zombie Apocalypse

On the picture we can see a little bit of everything (food, cleaning supplies, cat food and litter, medicine), that’s why we assumed it might be a storage room. However, after looking on the picture for some time we realized that there are price tags on the shelves, and this is probably some kind of a store or gas station. Although, after zooming the picture in, it becomes more visible that it is a store, because you can see two people walking between shelves. At first we thought that it’s one shelve and everything there was packed tight. There are many different colors on the picture, and picture seems kind of blurry at first, but when you focus, you are able to see what’s on the picture. You can see a variety of different products, such as different kinds of drinks or cereal. Emotional impact from the picture might be challenging to tell, because we see groceries every day and our feelings about them are hard to understand. It depends how hungry a person is. The picture was taken probably after lunch or maybe before, because there are not many people on the picture and the shelves are mostly full of products. If the photo was taken before lunch then a lot of people would come soon to get something to eat, but if this photo was taken right after the lunch, then the store would probably be quiet for some time. This photo might convey people’s needs, and something that most people need pretty much same things.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


3 Frames Project

Color assignment

My favorite color is royal blue (I found picture on the internet). I like the way how it looks like on silk or satin. On the picture above you can see how it plays with the texture and shadows. Royal blue makes the fabric looks very alive and beautiful. If I would see somebody wearing royal blue, I might stare at them with a delight. This color makes me feel so happy and relaxed.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Triangle, Circle, Square

Here is a photo of my cousins' dog that I took about a year and a half ago.
And here is an isolated black and white picture with squares, triangles and circles for the project.

Black Square problem (Final)

Notice What You Notice (50 things)

1) Major color is red
2) There are many straight lines
3) There are many curves
4) The ash is from sticks
5) There are many Asian symbols on small cups
6) Small cups are probably for sake (Asian vine)
7) The clothes on the statue are same color
8) The statue "sits" in a comfy position
9) The sticks are burned for more than a half
10) The statue has a belly button
11) It seems like something is missing from the left hand
12) The fan is yellow
13) The fan has round shape
14) The fan has straight lines
15) Eyes of the statue seems unhappy
16) Mouth is wide open
17) Lips are red
18) Eyebrows are black
19) Eyes are black
20) The statue's teeth are easy to see
21) Statue's ears are bigger than usual
22) The statues is topless
23) Hands on the statue are very simple made
24) Cups have golden rings on the top
25) Cups are empty
26) Sticks are probably were put in the candle
27) Ash is grey
28) Red part of the picture here is emphasized comparing to dark background
29) The statue looks ceramic
30) There is a hole in the ear
31) There is a rope on a robe
32) The robe has darker parts
33) The skin is primary light
34) There is some redness on the skin
35) Eyes are pretty thin
36) Eyebrows are very thin also
37) The head is bold
38) There is no hair painted on the other parts of body either
39) All the stick are burned differently
40) There are more than 10 sticks
41) The statue has bare feet
42) The statue's nipple was painted in a weird way
43) From this angle you can't see the other ear
44) You can see the price tag, however this statues stays in the spa
45) If you zoom the picture in, you would be able to see its tongue
46) The robe seems to be too large
47) The background has two colors
48) The background has different textures
49) The small cups are pretty deep
50) It seems like the candle never was burnt

Monday, February 10, 2014

Black Square Problem

Here are my pictures for the Black Square Problem.
I chose congested, increase, complicated and productive styles from the lists.
My list: 1) Shades (shadows), 2) Minimalism, 3) Anatomy (body parts), 4) Robotic, 5) Yin-Yan, 6)Realism. From which I chose minimalism and robotic styles.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Observations And Questions on

1) I noticed that many of sculptures were made from unusual materials that we can't always see in sculptures.
2) The sculpture that cought my attention is "Heeling Tongues", because at first I thought that those feet were with just heels, and when I saw tongues I was surprised. It's a very interesting piece of art.
*3) The "Penguins" is also very intersting, because you won't see them on asphalt, but here they are not in their natural habitat, and that reminded me of global warming and polution.
4) I also liked the photo with an eagle. It shows his power and independence, it seems like the eagle is the only one in the sky and he is the king.
5) Couple of videos scared me, because it looked like ghosts were in there.
1) On the "Heeling tongues" there are two left (right) feet, why?
*2) Why do you prefer to make croped pictures rather than whole pictures?
3) Is the "S(p)oiled milk" supposed to represent women's brest?
4) What type of art do you like most? (Photos, sculpture, paintings, etc.)
5) Why the "Swan" has its head in a different place?

Elements Of Art (Diana, Janelle, Olivia (OJ), Ryan)

This is a water reflection of a building and trees, and the harmony is in calm water of a lake. The image of a house and trees is very clear and you can see almost every leaf on branches in the reflection.

As you can see it's a photo of a small fountain near the swimming pool. I like the small splash of water which you can see in the middle of a photo, it's very dynamic and charming at the same time. This photo has a good contrast of movement and stability which you can see in walls of fountain and water. 

This photo represents variety of different textures, colors and shapes. The colorful and soft carpet, classic neutral color and texture of a wall, and a sharp dark plinth.
Here you can see a change of proportion between the flagpole and my (Janelle's) arm. Both of these elements take up a good portion of the photo and plays with the idea that the flagpole is smaller than it really is.

The rhythm in this picture can be seen with the repetition of the windows going down is size as they get further away. This makes our eyes travel down the hallway.
This image represents unity between various elements including color, line, shape, proportion, and rhythm.
The straight lines of the Tampa Art Museum carry your eye across the photo, the colors of the museum make the building pop out in the photo and even takes part in the proportion of the photo. The museum takes up a large part of the photo and we can tell it is apart of the foreground due to the clarity of the museum as opposed to the foggy background. There is repetition of circles among the building adding different shapes to the image and making the appearance of the museum more visually interesting on a whole.
 Space: There is a lot of empty space within this image that really catches the eye. All the arches and empty spaces between the designs really contrast with the light coming in from behind it.

Texture: It is illistrated in this photo through the bark of the palm tree. There is much roughness and sporatic growths that constants the sharp green leaves behind it, or the smooth white pillar in the background.
Balance: Balance is demonstrated through the seemingly similar sides of the hallway that causes one to look down to the end. At the end there is a curve which catches the audiences attention and keeps the image from being flat.
Color: pink is the main focus of the image. The pink flower blends in with the hair and makes it the focal point. I see mostly secondary colors and cool colors . There are a few line patterns in the image as well.

Emphasis: As you can see the point of focus in the image is the tree, because it is in the middle and in front of the image. The pattern of the building in the background stands out as well. The shadows from the tree reflect off from the building.

Line: The lines in the picture are horizontal and vertical as well. The bricks have a specific pattern followed throughout the whole image. The movement is distributed equally in and is not going in a distinct direction.

Shape: You can see a combination of rectangles and squares throughout the  whole image. There are  few oval shapes and diamond like figures. The image has a lot of depth and your eyes follow it all the way to the back of the image.

Visual Literacy:  Space: There is a lot of empty space within this ...

Visual Literacy:  Space: There is a lot of empty space within this ...:  Space: There is a lot of empty space within this image that really catches the eye. All the arches and empty spaces between the designs ...

Janelle's Visual Literacy Blog: Describing what you see: Elements of Art

Janelle's Visual Literacy Blog: Describing what you see: Elements of Art:   Proportion  Here you can see a change of proportion between the flagpole and my arm. Both of these elements take up a good portion ...