Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Final journal






Last Picture With a Cheetah:
I decided to name my project "nature and how people affect it". In my opinion it is a very important topic nowadays, because we need to breathe and breathe clean. Also, this topic is important because we are killing he animals by cutting down the trees and holding the water in the dams and drying it out. People pollute a lot without realizing how it will affect the environment. I took some pictures to show how beautiful nature is and what we are doing to it in order to have more space. What should happen to humanity so they would understand that they need trees to survive.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Final Group Project (Diana, Ashley, Jessica, Dan, Tony)

Our project is based on the point of view of a college student. The process of this project was taking photos that represented the typical college life, editing them, and choosing an order to put them in so the project has a nice flow to it. Our first photo is multi framed. It is a sequence of a college student starting to study. The photo also consists of framing of the image, point of view, shape, movement and line. The second photo represents Life and Death . To a student getting a good grade on an exam is everything and getting a bad grade is like death. This also has framing of the image and emphasis,. The third photo moves on to what a college student do in their free time. On nice days a lot of students like to throw a football around. It is a symbol for an American lifestyle because football is a great representative of what American like to do. It also  has shape, color, and space. The next photo is a metaphor for "Party Animal". To represent this metaphor we used stuffed animal surrounded by alcohol. It also has texture, color, shape, and variety. Our final picture is of a girl "coming out of the closet". It is a double entendre. College is a time when a lot of people realize who they are and aren't afraid to hide it so that is why we decided to use it for our double entendre.

Group Evaluation:
Jessica: Jessica did a lot of work for our project. As you can see, she was our model on many pictures. She also was giving many ideas, which we used too.
Dan: Dan was very kind to bring the dog for our first idea, and even though it didn't work out, he was helping us out with ideas and he did a good job.
Tony: Tony was our model for photos as well as Jessica. He was making our project easy to work with by making everybody laugh. He also helping with ideas after our original didn't work out.
Ashley: Ashley had many ideas about the project. Also, we were taking pictures in her dorm, and she was modeling for pictures too. Overall, our group was working together very well, and I enjoyed it. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

5 Questions/Observations (Claire Sherwood)

1)      Many art works looks like you can eat it.

2)      I like how the artist changes boring objects to something more interesting without losing the view of the first taken object.

3)      Not many bright colors, most of the colors on works are calm and relaxing for the eye.

4)      The fabric is mostly black and white.

5)      The video with sprinkles is very unique


1)      What inspires the artist to do the work on rocks?

2)      Is the “cream” on rocks eatable?

3)      Does the artist get the real rocks or makes them from other material?

4)      What the artist like to do more (videos, photos or sculptures)?

5)      The first video is called perfect, but on the second video (sprinkles) the artist has a phrase that nothing is perfect, don’t the artist finds it ironic?

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Point of View, Perspective, Landscape (Diana Shcherbakova & Sophie Moskowitz)

Our piece is from the perspective of a social media (specifically, Facebook) addict.  This person goes through their everyday activities without noticing, responding to, or appreciating their surroundings.  We utilized panoramic shots to emphasize the great deal of beauty and action of the environment around the person looking at the social media.  We also put the technology that is feeding the Facebook addiction in the center of every picture, correlating to the place which this technology stands in the person's life.  Three different images are important to this piece because it exemplifies how mobile social media has become, and that it can be used practically anywhere...including, unfortunately, places that would otherwise provide invaluable learning and social experiences.

Ranking other groups:
1.  Ashley & Honda - easily understood, creative, powerful message
2.  Taylor & Kyle - visually appealing, creative idea, good use of patterns & textures
3.  Ricky & Scott - paid attention to detail, easily understood, detailed thought process
4.  Olivia & Pasama - creative (imagine audience in their underwear), interesting to look at, had a few elements that could have been left out
5.  Dan & Anthony - creative/different idea, humorous, interesting use of the continuous layout
6.  Maddy & Jessica - unique idea, could have been executed a little better
7.  Ziona & Hazel - easily understood, very precise perspective, but not extremely creative
8.  Damian & Arielle - visually appealing image, slightly confusing on EXACTLY whose point of view it is from
9.  Stephanie & Kat - strong image, but slightly unclear whose perspective it is from
10.  Mike & Hannah - texting & driving message is clearly understood, but sometimes overused, not extremely creative
11.  Ryan & Nick - clear whose perspective it is from, but layout and execution of image could have been much stronger

Sunday, March 9, 2014

World Records (The Fastest Man)

Pictures for editing were taken from:

Friday, March 7, 2014

Response for Skype interview (Jason Hackett)

The Skype session was interesting and I enjoyed listening to Jason. He has a good attitude and a nice personality. I was surprised to see so many works that are still in process, because I though usually artists don't show their works to anybody until it's done. Even though the works weren't finished they still looked good. Jason was answering most question by just talking. Everything was pretty clear and easy to understand. I enjoyed the interview.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

5 Questions/Observations (Jason Hackett)

1)      The artist has many religion related works.

2)      In some works, artist avoid showing faces.

3)      I like that artist uses ceramic with modern style, because we got used to see ceramics with more classic and old fashioned way.

4)      The work with a ceramic dog looks like a cartoon dog.

5)      Artist changes some parts of the works with feet.


1)      Weren’t artist afraid that people might misunderstand some works?

2)      Why artist uses mostly ceramic?

3)      Why artist uses only one type of toes?

4)      What artist trying to tell us with his work that has many feet in a glass box?

5)      Is the artist planning to work with ceramic on his next works?

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Response for Skype Interview (Tim Roda)

I liked listening to Tim Roda. You can't understand his works completely if you don't know him or never even read his bio. It is always better to hear answers for questions that interest us from the artist, and not from somebody else. Even though my questions were answered during the time artist were telling us his story and everything about his art, I felt like I wanted to ask something else, but felt too shy. However, I enjoyed such class, it was very imteresting, and I wish we have more classes like that.

UPC Project

Here are my works for the UPC problem project for Visual Literacy class. 

Pictures for editing were taken from:

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

5 Questions/Observations (

1) On Watermill kids are doing adult's job or behave like adults.
2) Most of the photos have children on them.
3) Many photos are either violent or sad.
4) It seems like the artist had family issues or he care about this topic the most.
5) It's nice that the artist take pictures of his family members.

1) Why most photos are black and white?
2) What inspires the artist to do this kind of photos?
3) Why did the artist start to work on this kind of photography?
4) On the watermill project, photos are made in a different style; did the artist decided to change something about his work?
5) Did the author felt abandoned in the childhood?

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Pre Zombie Apocalypse

On the picture we can see a little bit of everything (food, cleaning supplies, cat food and litter, medicine), that’s why we assumed it might be a storage room. However, after looking on the picture for some time we realized that there are price tags on the shelves, and this is probably some kind of a store or gas station. Although, after zooming the picture in, it becomes more visible that it is a store, because you can see two people walking between shelves. At first we thought that it’s one shelve and everything there was packed tight. There are many different colors on the picture, and picture seems kind of blurry at first, but when you focus, you are able to see what’s on the picture. You can see a variety of different products, such as different kinds of drinks or cereal. Emotional impact from the picture might be challenging to tell, because we see groceries every day and our feelings about them are hard to understand. It depends how hungry a person is. The picture was taken probably after lunch or maybe before, because there are not many people on the picture and the shelves are mostly full of products. If the photo was taken before lunch then a lot of people would come soon to get something to eat, but if this photo was taken right after the lunch, then the store would probably be quiet for some time. This photo might convey people’s needs, and something that most people need pretty much same things.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


3 Frames Project

Color assignment

My favorite color is royal blue (I found picture on the internet). I like the way how it looks like on silk or satin. On the picture above you can see how it plays with the texture and shadows. Royal blue makes the fabric looks very alive and beautiful. If I would see somebody wearing royal blue, I might stare at them with a delight. This color makes me feel so happy and relaxed.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Triangle, Circle, Square

Here is a photo of my cousins' dog that I took about a year and a half ago.
And here is an isolated black and white picture with squares, triangles and circles for the project.

Black Square problem (Final)

Notice What You Notice (50 things)

1) Major color is red
2) There are many straight lines
3) There are many curves
4) The ash is from sticks
5) There are many Asian symbols on small cups
6) Small cups are probably for sake (Asian vine)
7) The clothes on the statue are same color
8) The statue "sits" in a comfy position
9) The sticks are burned for more than a half
10) The statue has a belly button
11) It seems like something is missing from the left hand
12) The fan is yellow
13) The fan has round shape
14) The fan has straight lines
15) Eyes of the statue seems unhappy
16) Mouth is wide open
17) Lips are red
18) Eyebrows are black
19) Eyes are black
20) The statue's teeth are easy to see
21) Statue's ears are bigger than usual
22) The statues is topless
23) Hands on the statue are very simple made
24) Cups have golden rings on the top
25) Cups are empty
26) Sticks are probably were put in the candle
27) Ash is grey
28) Red part of the picture here is emphasized comparing to dark background
29) The statue looks ceramic
30) There is a hole in the ear
31) There is a rope on a robe
32) The robe has darker parts
33) The skin is primary light
34) There is some redness on the skin
35) Eyes are pretty thin
36) Eyebrows are very thin also
37) The head is bold
38) There is no hair painted on the other parts of body either
39) All the stick are burned differently
40) There are more than 10 sticks
41) The statue has bare feet
42) The statue's nipple was painted in a weird way
43) From this angle you can't see the other ear
44) You can see the price tag, however this statues stays in the spa
45) If you zoom the picture in, you would be able to see its tongue
46) The robe seems to be too large
47) The background has two colors
48) The background has different textures
49) The small cups are pretty deep
50) It seems like the candle never was burnt